Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas 2007

Our Christmas 2006 Photo

For those of you who remember last year's Christmas card picture....treasure it, because apparently Reese is on strike. He refused to behave this year for any photos. This is me saying, "JUST FORGET IT!!!"

You may notice Dave is laughing at him. No wonder he won't mind!

Dave and I decided to get a picture of just us. The sun was too bright to get any decent shots, but thank you Chad Morris (Dave's brother) for the lovely photography!!!

Here is a photo of Dave and the twins on Christmas Eve. They looked so cute in their Christmas PJ's, and they were sooooo sweet!! Dylon is on the left and Houston is on the right.

My students reminded me last Friday that this was my last Christmas being Miss Clark. They asked what my name would be next year, and I told them Mrs. Morris. They said they didn't think they would like that. I told them they would be fifth graders next year, so it wouldn't really affect them much. I don't think they had thought about that.

The photo above is from Christmas day at my Grandma Clark's. Most of the presents we received there were what you might call "Together Gifts". This is us with our pile of presents. We really racked up with gift cards, money, a broom, and some awesome wooden hangers. We bothed agreed that it was really fun to recieve all of these gifts together. I guess we will have a lot of that to look forward to next year!

The best Christmas present ever!!!

I have been wanting a Willow Tree nativity for several years now. Ms. Amy (Dave's mother) and Memama (Dave's grandmother) gave me this for Christmas this year. I love it!!!

I think I will have a special shelf built in our new house, and display it year-round.

Thank you Ms. Amy and Memama!!!

On the day after Christmas, mother and I got up at 6:00 AM to go to Wal-Mart. I know that's crazy to most people, but we thought it would be smart to buy all of the white Christmas lights we could find. We are planning on using them to decorate for the wedding. I guess we weren't the only ones with that idea, because it was impossible to find any lights with white cords. We did end up finding icicle lights with white cords, so hopefully those will come in handy.

Then at 10:00 AM Shelli joined us for the Ansley Place After-Christmas sale. I really racked up there. I got some great decorations for my Christmas tree next year. I can't wait to be able to decorate it!

The Ornaments

This will go on the top of the tree

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Picture Perfect

I have a photographer for the wedding!! I'm really excited because most of them around here are getting away from shooting weddings. One of our great SES parents offered to do my wedding, and I was thrilled. You can view her website at:

You will see some other family members from the Smith and Wiggins clans on the site, so be on the look-out!!! I also have several close friends that have offered to take candid shots. (Thank you Lisa Thomas!!) By the way, Dave and I just purchased a Nikon D80. We're hoping to get someone to use it for some pics.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Wedding and Reception Locations

Wedding Location: Mt. Zion United Methodist Church

Reception Location: Clark Family Barn

Our Engagement Story

Dave and Mandi

The Clark Family

Will you marry me?

Dave and I have been dating for four years now. On Oct. 28, 2007, we got engaged! My entire family was there to witness it. We were taking family photos on the beach. Someone suggested that Dave and I get one together. He seemed all for it, and right before the photo could be taken, he said, "Wait! I want you to wear this in the picture!" I turned around and he was on both knees holding a ring box. After that, I really don't know what either one of us said, but I do remember hearing tons of people that were on the beach clapping and cheering for us. Afterwards, our whole family went to McGuire's Irish Pub to celebrate.
We're getting married on November 22, 2008. I'll post more details and pictures relating to the wedding throughout the next year!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Welcome to our blog!