Following the rehearsal everyone headed to one of our favorite local restaurants, The Hilltop, for a seafood buffet. Thank you Ms. Amy,
Mr. David and Carolyn for the delicious meal! We had at least 60 people in attendance for dinner. Afterwards everyone enjoyed a
slide show full of pictures of Dave and I. We
received the beautiful plant pictured below. I don't know what it's actual name is, so I've been calling it our "Love Plant" like the Love Fern on one of my
favorite movies.

This guy deserves some special recognition. He did a heck of a lot of work prior to and especially on my wedding day. Matt drove golf carts, lit candles, and walked two little boys down the aisle. He probably did even more that I'm not aware of.....Thank you Matthew!! I love you like one of my own brothers!!

My sweet, sweet cousin Griffin. He's always had more hair than me, even when we were babies! And for those of you wondering if those were my husband's shoes in
these pictures, the answer is no. Those shoes belong to my Griff. Amy was more excited about those photos than any other.
Griff deserves credit for being the best sound man any wedding has ever seen! I didn't even have to tell him how I wanted it done, he just knew.
I love you like a brother too Griff!!

Josh and Anna
Josh also deserves credit for helping to light
candles at the wedding.

My daddy

Aunt Angela, Aunt
Christy, and Grandma Clark

The food was great!
Laeton Reid doing what he does best.

John opening his
groomsman's' gift.


Katie and
Britton opening their bridesmaids' gifts.

Papa David and Nana feeding Whit and Brady.

Tamara and Anna
Aly and John

Caroline and her Aunt Heather

My Grandma and I

The photographer for the weekend...
Ms. Alyson Kilday. Thanks Aly!!
Looks like a fun time!! How to Lose A Guy... is one of my favorite movies too!!
ReplyDeleteI love the picture of the boys with Papa David and Nana, but I guess you knew I was going to say that! I have to agree, the food was great!!!
ReplyDeleteI think the plant is a crocus. Not positive though. I love them for the fall.
ReplyDeleteThe food looks great! I feel sorry for that poor little boy who got sick. I wondered if those were Dave's shoes or not. The mystery is over!