If you've driven by our house lately, you may have noticed some changes in the landscaping. Last Sunday, we were struck by a small tordnado. Fortunately, it did not cause any harm to our family members or home, but my father lost at least 150 of his trees. It was unlike any experience I have ever been through before. It came suddenly and was over in a matter of 30 seconds.
I was sitting at the computer working on a reasearch paper, when I heard the tornado sirens go off. I felt the French doors suck in, so I looked outside and saw nothing but a "tidal wave" of rain water and tree limbs blowing by. My mother and I sought refuge in her closet, and started praying. My dad was running around the whole time putting his boots and jacket on. He left the house as soon as it stopped only to find out that both of our driveways were blocked by fallen trees. In no time at all, word got around and the members of the Covington County Sherriff's Possee (along with a few of our neighbors) showed up to rescue us. Needless, to say the Clark family has a major mess on their hands!
Dave and I are building a house on some family land, and he is currently in the process of clearing it. It's a good thing that we have not started construction yet, because the tornado went right through the very spot we are building on.

This is a photo of the road leading to our new house. The pecan trees on each side are about 100 years old, and I love them!

This is the pecan tree that would have been nearest to our house. I know they are old, and won't live much longer, but I am so sad to lose them.

This is a stubborn pine tree that Dave has been unsuccessfully trying to take down with the bulldozer. The tornado helped out a little. Maybe he can manage to get the rest now!

Here is another view of the pecan tree.

This is in my parent's driveway.

This is a huge pine that was snapped in two!

This is behind my parents' house.