Today is my baby brother's 23rd birthday. Most people know Justin as "Twenty-two" which has been his nickname since high school due to the number on his football jersey. The twins simply call him "Two-two" which I think is "too too cute"! Ironically Justin spent his 22nd birthday in Iraq while on a 15 month deployment last year. We are so thankful to have him home this year safe and sound. Even though Justin is the youngest of the Clark kids, his popularity and reputation have always proceeded all of us. As a matter of fact, John and I were always known as 22's brother and sister. He was and still is a fabulous athlete. He was a star under the Friday night ligths at SHS, and my fourth grade students to this day treat him like someone famous when he comes to visit my classroom. Dave and I look forward to having him as a neighbor when our house is completed. Dave really enjoys hanging out at Jus's bathelor pad. He's a great little brother, and I love him so much!! Because I think a post is not complete without pictures, enjoy the photos below. I don't know why, but I have no photos of Justin and his beautiful girlfriend Tamara together.
Happy birthday Jus from your sissy!
Showing his colors while in Iraq.
You've seen the twins riding this same tractor in previous posts.It's got A LOT of miles on it!

All of the cousins at Justin & Kellye's high school graduation.