Monday, January 26, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Happy Day

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
House For Sale
Does anyone recognize this house? Without giving it away, I must say I am infatuated with them. I read their new book on my honeymoon, and highly recommend it!! (Yes, I read on my honeymoon, and when I finally get around to that post---you'll know why!)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Sweet Man of Mine
My new blog friend Lori, tagged me to share some info about my husband. I've only met Lori once in person, but she's been a great blogging buddy, and I've enjoyed learning more about her and her precious family.
1.What is his name? Dave Morris, and I know he'd die if I posted his whole name on here. (He's convinced these things are started by identity thieves.)
2. Who eats more? We both eat too much, but he can eat more in one sitting.
3. Who said, "I love you" first? He told me one morning on the phone before school.
4. Who is taller? Dave is by 9 inches.
5. Who is more sensitive? He would say that I am more sensitive, and I would too!
6. Who does the laundry? I usually do all of our laundry, but he helps to fold it.
7. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? We change it up a lot. Normally the first one in the bed lays on the side closest to the TV. After two months of marriage, we don't have a side of our own. Is that odd???
8. Who pays the bills? He paid them this month.
9. Who cooks more? We haven't really cooked much yet, but I will when we move into our new house.
10. Who is more stubborn? Dave is definitely more stubborn, and he knows it!
11. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Neither of us likes to do that, but I will before him.
12. Who has more siblings? I do... I have 2 little brothers, he has 1.
13. Who wears the pants in the relationship? He does!
14. What do you like to do together? We like to do everything together. He likes to shop with me, and I like to hunt with him.
15. Who eats more sweets? Neither of us is really big on sweets.
16. Guilty Pleasures? Will Ferrell movies, Krispy Kreme, and Nachos and Irish Wakes from McGuire's.
17. How did you meet? Kristen Wiggins actually tried to set us up while I was interning at AES, but I told her I wasn't interested b/c I had a boyfriend at the time. A few weeks later, I met him through me best friend Britton. We got to know one another, and hit it off. About a month later my relationship with the other guy officially ended. Dave and I have been together ever since!
18. Who asked whom out first? He asked me to go to a cookout at his work.
19. Who kissed who first? He initiated that one.
19. Who kissed who first? He initiated that one.
21. His best features and qualities? Feature wise, I love his blue eyes, his thick hair, and his great sense of style. He's my best friend, another version of myself, and I know God created him just for me. I love how he listens to every word I say, even when I'm convinced that he's not. He's so thoughtful, compassionate, and caring.
22. Tag you’re it. Who do you tag? Anyone who wants to . I'd love to hear all of your stories!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Thank You Anonymous Commenter!!!
I posted about this a while back, and had officially given up hope! Today in my inbox, I recieved this comment, and it couldn't have made me happier. I nearly settled for another duvet in Crate & Barrel. I'm so glad I waited! Thank you anonymous!! I wish I knew who you were !!!!
I'll be placing my order tonight!
Aren't blogs great!?!
PS- Julie, has this exact same bedding!
I'll be placing my order tonight!
Aren't blogs great!?!
PS- Julie, has this exact same bedding!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Our Virtual Christmas
Friday, January 2, 2009
Can you tell..
One of my resolutions was to be a better blogger? I have worked in Photoshop all day.
I wanted to give this photo a post all of its own.
Dylon: "I think I'm about to throw up."
I wanted to give this photo a post all of its own.
Houston: "Uh oooohhhh."
I hope you all have a great weekend. My husband (that still sounds strange) and I are headed to Pensacola tonight to eat at our favorite place, do some baby shower shopping, and see Marley and Me. Don't worry, we've read the book and we're taking plenty of tissues!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Did you figure out who got a ring for Christmas?
After Rehearsal Dinner
Mr. David and Carolyn for the delicious meal! We had at least 60 people in attendance for dinner. Afterwards everyone enjoyed a slide show full of pictures of Dave and I. We received the beautiful plant pictured below. I don't know what it's actual name is, so I've been calling it our "Love Plant" like the Love Fern on one of my favorite movies.
Griff deserves credit for being the best sound man any wedding has ever seen! I didn't even have to tell him how I wanted it done, he just knew.
I love you like a brother too Griff!!
Josh also deserves credit for helping to light
candles at the wedding.
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