Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.
It seems as though I spent a lot of my time in 2011 praying and learning to patiently wait on the Lord to hear my prayers. As the year came to a close, and the holidays arrived I had a very difficult time understanding why my prayers have not yet been answered. Today, as I reflect back on this year, I can see that the Lord has abundantly blessed me, and if He never gives me another single thing, He has done enough.
I chose 16 pictures to represent the best of 2011.
1. Celebrating Auburn's National Championship
2. Rejoicing in the promise of an eternal life with my love on a beautiful Easter Sunday.
3. Packing my car to go to the beach, and finding Reese in my trunk...he wanted to go so bad!
4. A GORGEOUS May day on the beach with my family. I'm quite certain that this is the view I will see when I look out the back window of my mansion in heaven:)
5. The twins graduated from preschool with an adorable and highly entertaining program.
6. Celebrating Memama's 80th Birthday with the entire Wiggins Family. We love her soooo much!
7. Reese FINALLY made it to the beach! He loved it!
8. Our sweet Josie joined the family!
9. I love spending my birthday weekend in Auburn! I turned 31 this year. .....how did that happen?
10. Pumpkin Carving Party with our boys and Josie!
11. Iron Bowl Party - Aren't these kids adorable? War Eagle!
12. Josie was once small enough to fit inside of a pumpkin!
13. Having an early Christmas with Brother, who always surprises us with the most thoughtful and creative gifts:)
14. Spending time Christmas shopping with my Davey:)
15. 2011- the year I got addicted to Pinterest.....this photo is from my first Pinterest Party.
16. Christmas 2011- Us with Riley Ann-I just thought this was a cute picture!
I chose 16 pictures to represent the best of 2011.
1. Celebrating Auburn's National Championship
2. Rejoicing in the promise of an eternal life with my love on a beautiful Easter Sunday.
3. Packing my car to go to the beach, and finding Reese in my trunk...he wanted to go so bad!
4. A GORGEOUS May day on the beach with my family. I'm quite certain that this is the view I will see when I look out the back window of my mansion in heaven:)
5. The twins graduated from preschool with an adorable and highly entertaining program.
6. Celebrating Memama's 80th Birthday with the entire Wiggins Family. We love her soooo much!
7. Reese FINALLY made it to the beach! He loved it!
8. Our sweet Josie joined the family!
9. I love spending my birthday weekend in Auburn! I turned 31 this year. .....how did that happen?
10. Pumpkin Carving Party with our boys and Josie!
11. Iron Bowl Party - Aren't these kids adorable? War Eagle!
12. Josie was once small enough to fit inside of a pumpkin!
13. Having an early Christmas with Brother, who always surprises us with the most thoughtful and creative gifts:)
14. Spending time Christmas shopping with my Davey:)
15. 2011- the year I got addicted to Pinterest.....this photo is from my first Pinterest Party.
16. Christmas 2011- Us with Riley Ann-I just thought this was a cute picture!