Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Office is Back!!

We don't get to watch too much television these days, but we both love The Office. We're so excited about the new season that starts TONIGHT!!! Here's to no writers strike this year!

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  1. Hey Mandi! Your blog is so cute! How's your mom and the rest of the crew in first grade? Tell them I said hi. My blog address is It's a work in progress so it's not quite finished. I love your blog. I know you're getting excited about the big date!!! Congratulations!

  2. Teri!!! I couldn't leave a comment on your blog yet, but we're so excited that you have a blog now. You look just as beautiful as ever, and so do your girls. The rest of the first grade crew is doing well despite hating their new reading series. Send me your address!!

  3. Thanks for the sweet comments! It won't be too long and you'll be starting a family. Trust me, it'll fly by! We have a new reading series this year too. It's Scott Foresman. What did ya'll get? I don't like it!! I love the part on your blog where Dave brought you all that stuff when you were sick. He's a good man!!! That is so sweet!

  4. Mandi,
    Just wanted to let you know Walker and I were equally as excited about The Office! SOOOOO GLAD that Pam and Jim are finally engaged! I have to admit that I got a little teary-eyed...I hope it's just b/c I'm so pregnant! It was sweet though!!!
