Monday, October 20, 2008

If you go to the fair this week.......

Stop by the Humane Society's booth and vote for our puppy. I think its a quarter to vote, but it'll go toward a good cause. I believe the winners get their photo placed in the Humane Sociey's calendar.

I don't have much time for blogging these days. It's extremely busy around our house and we have appreciated all of the help our wonderful friends and family members have volunteered on their weekends and afternoons. Maybe I'll be able to get in a few more posts pre-wedding, but if not, check back in about 5 weeks!!

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  1. That is an adorable picture, Toby looked like that when he was a puppy. I wish we had a fair here, I totally miss the funnel cakes and candy apples.

  2. He made the Humane Society’s calendar and will be in it for the month of February.

  3. Congratulations!
    Cute picture.
    Aunt Kathy
