Sunday, August 31, 2008

Here ya go Susan!

My cousin, Susan, has tagged me to reveal six things that most people do not know about me. Like Susan, I have my reservations about letting everyone on the World Wide Web know too much about me. I'm sure some of you will not be too shocked about my list. It's a hard one to come up with, but here they are:

  1. My brothers and I are convinced that we live in a haunted house. We have suspected this for years. Some strange things have happened here! Our parents built it in 1994, but it is built over the remains of an old sharecropper's home. Our Grandpa recently told us the story of how the woman that lived here, a black lady named Tessie, was murdered in the house! To top it off he says there was another house on the spot where Dave and I plan to build....YIKES! So there you have it.....I'm afraid of ghosts and the dark.
  2. I don't love Elton John, but I do love his music!
  3. I was class president and valedictorian of my senior class. I had to check the spelling too Susan!
  4. I wanted to go to Auburn, but Troy offered me the free ride. I still regret not going.
  5. I knew Chad for years, and had no clue that he had an older brother.
  6. I can't walk past a mirror without checking myself out. The driver's visor in my car is completely worn out from me looking in the mirror.

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  1. I love #6...I think everybody checks themselves out when possible, but are just afraid to admit to it!!

  2. YAY! thanks for playing! and your #6 definately could have made it in my list!!
